Gobi Log-in

Password: Selector

Online Order Form Log-in


Directions to log into Moon folder (contains serials lists)

Directions to log into UnivLib server (contains collection development policies and personal folders)

1. Under the Apple Icon, select Chooser
2. From the Chooser, click on

Apple Share
University Libraries

3. Click Ok or press return
4. In the window that appears, choose Registered User
5. Name is your last name and then first. Case doesn't matter

boop betty

6. Password: the first time you login, your password is your first name, in small letters. for example: betty (you will want to change your password)
7. Click OK or press return
8. Click on Univlib Users
9. Click OK or press return

An icon labeled UnivLib users will appear on your desktop. Doubl Click on the icon. You should have access to your own folder and a PS-Librarians folder.