Collection Development Policies | Approval Plan| | Library Policies |

Collection Development Policies

LC Class by Selector

Policies by Subject


Approval Plan

Gobi Profiles
Directions to link to Yankee Book Peddler to view profliles.

Libraries Policies


Statement of Mutual Agreements

Additions of Internet Sites to The Reference Shelf

The "Reference Resources" section in MiamiLINK should serve to highlight reference works that the Miami University Libraries subscribe to, and to provide easy access to a limited number of reliable, accurate, authoritative, and stable Internet pages, which have been found especially useful for answering common reference questions. The section is not intended to provide an exhaustive list of Internet sites, but to be selective. All resources in the reference resources section should conform to the Libraries' mission of serving the information needs of Miami's students, faculty and staff and supporting the university curriculum. Commercial sites may be included if it is felt that their content provides a valuable information source.

Zero Growth Procedures and Scheduling

See Heike Mitchell's page for the criteria and schedule of review.


Heike's Serials Page
Invoicing, claims, various codes, selectors lists, cancellations, claims, includes policies as well.

Adding Journals/Databases

To add a new journal title, other titles must be selected for cancellation. Only 50% of the cost of the cancelled title(s) can be applied to the purchase of the new title. In addition the cancelled title must finish its subscription run, usually the remainder of the calendar year, as the subscription is prepaid to the vendor. With some online OhioLINK journals, cancellation of the print journal will create only a 10% savings. Also, if OhioLINK add an online database that we are currently subscribing to, our savings due to cancellation, usually go towards the OhioLINK purchase. Check with Heike Mitchell for complete information.